What is a Group?
A Group is any club, society, organisation, or informal group of people, actively involved with or interested in, any form of art or connected topic such as language.
Groups pay an annual membership fee, currently £25.
Groups, and their members, enjoy many of the benefits of individual membership but at a group level. For example:
- A Group may display their work at a venue in the name of the Group, not in the name of individual Group members.
- A Group may have a gallery page on the website with about 12 images and a description of the Group including contact details. Group members will not have individual gallery pages.
Groups can raise their profile via Droitwich Arts Network, by participating in projects and events, and posting on social media. Having experienced activities organised by Droitwich Arts Network, Group members may decide to become individual Members of the Network.
Each Group will nominate one person to be the Group Leader and main point of contact with Droitwich Arts Network. Only the Group Leader needs to register on Membermojo.
Public Liability Insurance
Groups are not covered by our Public Liability Insurance. Our Insurance requires that our membership records name all members that could potentially create a risk by interacting with the public. Any members of a Group that participate in Droitwich Arts Network activities that involve them interacting with the general public, should also be registered on Membermojo. In this case, the Group Leader should contact the Membership Secretary (currently Wendy Simmons) in order to register the individuals concerned and ensure they are linked to the Group Leader on Membermojo.
Depending on the circumstances, Group Leaders may be asked to provide a copy of their group’s Certificate of Public Liability Insurance cover.
Mailing Lists
Group Leaders will be included in Droitwich Arts Network mailing lists (usually email based via Membermojo). It is the responsibility of Group Leaders to distribute such information to their members.
All Group members are welcome to attend meetings, workshops, and social events organised by Droitwich Arts Network. The only exception is the Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meetings, when only the Group Leader (or their nominated representative) may attend. Each Group has only one vote at AGMs or EGMs.
Display Venues
Groups can apply to display at a number of venues (currently Park’s Café, Corbett Medical Centre, The Button Tree Café, and under the stairs in Droitwich Library). The Group Leader should read the appropriate Guideline document (available in the Members’ Area of the website) and apply to the Venue Manager (currently Derek Webster) to be added to the waiting list. Groups pay the appropriate display fee. The Group Leader decides which of their members will display as part of the Group, and is responsible for paying the fee.
The Hub
Groups can apply to exhibit at the Hub, and the Group Leader should apply to the Hub Organiser (currently Rhys Jones) to agree a date and duration. The Group must provide whatever equipment is necessary to exhibit their work, and that equipment will probably be positioned near the back of the Hub. The Group Leader decides which of their members will exhibit. The number of items to be displayed will be limited by the display equipment and available space. Normally a Group will exhibit for one month. The Group Leader is responsible for removing the display on the agreed end date.
The Group will not pay a fee to exhibit in the Hub and none of their work can be sold. If members of a Group wish to exhibit their work for sale in the Hub, they must become individual members of Droitwich Arts Network.
In the event that MAPP decides to terminate Droitwich Arts Network’s use of the Hub, the Group Leader will be asked to remove their display at short notice.