Droitwich Arts Network AGM 2025
We held our AGM on Tuesday 14th January at The Old Cock in Droitwich. Members elected our new committee and a new Chairman, Rhys Jones, and celebrated seven years of wonderful leadership given by Helen Karakashian.
About 40 members and partners came together, and what a happy, fun and entertaining evening we had. Many thanks to professional singer Charlie Green for finishing off the evening with a great set of songs that immediately got members up and dancing. The back room at The Old Cock was rammed!
The new Committee of 2025 will convene soon and we will plan another year of events, workshops and demonstrations.
Droitwich Repair Café
The Droitwich Repair Café will be in the Hub on the following dates:
Saturday 25th January
Saturday 15th February (normally the last Saturday but one week early this month)
Saturday 29th March
Saturday 26th April
Opening times 10am – 2pm (last repair booked in at 1.30pm)
Click HERE for more information