Honorary Patron

Tristan Harris becomes the honorary patron of Droitwich Arts Network

Local editor and stand-up comedian Tristan Harris has become the first honorary patron of Droitwich Arts Network (DAN). Tristan, Editor and Worcestershire Hub Manager for Bromsgrove & Droitwich Standards will now play a key role in promoting and supporting a string of arts-based community events and activities, including visual arts, performing arts, photography, media, written and spoken word, music and crafts.

Chair of DAN Helen Karakashian said Tristan was uniquely placed to champion all forms of art in Droitwich. She commented: “Tristan has had poetry and short stories published in anthologies, written songs and plays, edited a literary magazine and presented on hospital and community radio. He performed a brilliant comedy stand-up routine at the ArtsFest last year and his children’s play, ‘Little Green Fingers’, staged in the Norbury Theatre’s studio was a great success. We are delighted he has accepted our invitation to be patron.”

Tristan indicated he was keen to promote all forms of art and said. Over the years, in my role with the Droitwich Standard, we have been involved a lot with DAN and the activities it puts on for the people of the town. It’s fantastic that residents get to participate in such a wide range of arts-based activities. Not only is it great for participants to be able to show off their creative skills and sides but, with the arts proven to help with mental health and well-being, it is also helping keeping Droitwich healthy. I am honoured to be asked to be the honorary patron and I’ll be doing my bit to make sure as many people as possible know what DAN is doing and how they can get involved.”